Operating CNC machines is a common job in precision mechanical processing industries. When operating the machine, workers
 must not only have basic professional knowledge and skills on operating CNC machines, but also have a sense of labor safety. 
To ensure product quality and processing productivity.
1. What is CNC machine operation?
CNC machine operating is a profession where workers will directly operate CNC machines. In other words, a CNC machine 
operator is someone who operates CNC machining equipment.

2. Role of CNC machine operator
The essential role of a CNC machine operator, also known as a CNC machine operator, is to set up and operate CNC 
machines and equipment. Every day, operators may load and unload raw materials, prepare for test runs to ensure
 machines are running properly, and inspect and measure finished products to ensure they meet requirements.

Depending on the type of department in which they specialize, an operator's day-to-day responsibilities may vary. 
However, the following operator job description can be applied to many different industries.

3. What needs to be done by a CNC machine operator
Although you do not have to directly perform operations to support CNC machining. However, CNC machine operators need 
to do the following:

 •    Loading and unloading materials and installing equipment.
 •    Set up and calibrate accessories and devices.
 •    Maintain detailed records of equipment and processes.
 •    Perform necessary maintenance and cleaning of equipment.
 •    Monitor CNC machining machines as they run and make adjustments as necessary.
 •    Inspect finished products to ensure they meet required specifications.
 •    Follow company safety guidelines.
 •    Translate technical drawings and requirements into dimensions for production.
 •    Make sure the CNC machine works according to the company's instructions.
 •    Check machines daily to ensure functionality.
 •    Communicate logistical issues that arise during outsourcing and production.
 •    Conduct regular CNC machine reviews.
4. Required skills of an operator CNC machine
To create a desired product and operate a CNC machine safely and smoothly, the CNC machine operator needs to have 
basic skills such as:

 •    Having specialized knowledge in calculation, setting the machining origin, compensating the tool length, 
declaring the cutting tool, etc.
 •    Understand the function buttons on the control panel of the CNC machine. Know the encodings that perform 
primary and secondary functions (M code and G code). Know how to write command structures to set up CNC machine programs.
 •    Know how to use and be proficient in SSCNC simulation software on computers.
 •    Ability to translate mechanical documents and mechanical engineering drawings.
5. Notes on operation CNC machine brings high processing efficiency
 •    Wear neat, proper clothes when operating CNC machines to avoid inconveniences when working.
 •    Use safety equipment when working with CNC machines such as goggles, helmets, etc.
 •    Hair needs to be neat when working in a factory environment.
 •    Wear safety shoes to protect your feet in case sharp objects such as workpieces or debris hit your feet or 
heavy metal objects fall.
 •    For more accurate operations, CNC machine operators should not use gloves when calibrating or operating CNC machines.
 •    Before operating processing equipment, it is necessary to check the machine in general, especially the shielding 
parts need to be ensured to be firmly attached to the machine.
 •    During operation if any problem arises unsafe around the workplace. Please report immediately and find a timely solution.
 •    When standing a CNC machine, it is necessary to have a sense of safety to ensure the health of yourself and the team.
6. Some experience in operating safe CNC machine
To ensure safety in mechanical production, machine operators need to comply with the following:

 •    To operate a CNC machine safely, operators need to check cutting tools and equipment carefully before operating
 the machine.
 •    When the equipment is dirty or the material is contaminated by cutting fluid, the machine operator should not lift
 or hold the workpiece by hand. Instead, use a brush or vacuum cleaner to clean first.
 •    Remember to clean and modify the cutting tool or equipment only when the machine has come to a complete stop.
 Pay attention to the machine table because this is the part that directly affects the accuracy of the machine. 
Make sure that this part is clean, has no cracks and is in good working order.
 •    The space around CNC machining machines needs to be spacious without too many excess tools and always 
kept clean. Workpieces and spilled oil or coolant should be cleaned regularly to prevent slippage.
 •    Use gloves when handling knives or sharp objects such as cutting tools, metal workpieces. Make sure the
 workpiece is firmly fixed before proceeding with machining.
 •    Do not perform cutting operations at too high a speed to prevent the cutter from breaking.
 •    Do not measure or check the machine while machining.
7. 10 basic steps in the CNC machine operation process that CNC machine operators need to know
The process of standing a CNC machine in general is similar to the process of operating a CNC milling machine or a CNC 
lathe in particular.

 •    Step 1: Prepare the machine.
 •    Step 2: Start/turn on the device.
 •    Step 3: Prepare appropriate tools.
 •    Step 4: Offset the knife length.
 •    Step 5: Set the XY face fixture Offset.
 •    Step 6: Set Fixture Offset Z.
 •    Step 7: Download the CNC program from the computer to the CNC machine.
 •    Step 8: Run the program.
 •    Step 9: Adjust Offset (if necessary).
 •    Step 10: Turn off and clean the CNC machine.
Operating a CNC machine is a job that requires the person doing this job to have basic or advanced skills. To ensure 
product quality and machining productivity.

At the same time, it is also necessary to use the machine proficiently and quickly and be able to promptly and sensitively handle cases that arise when performing CNC machine operating tasks.