Top 3 criteria for evaluating the quality of CNC machining products

In order to be able to evaluate the quality of mechanically 
processed products as accurately and comprehensively as possible, 
we would like to share with you 3 basic criteria to be able to 
evaluate the quality of machined products. precision mechanical work.

      These 3 criteria include assessment of accuracy, assessment 
of surface and assessment of aesthetics of the newly processed 
product. To help you understand these 3 criteria in detail, the 
information below will talk in more detail about each criterion.

Evaluate the accuracy of processed products
– If machine parts and accessories are processed, the fit of the
 product needs to meet the same requirements as the old components.
Evaluation through the surface of the processed product
      Along with accuracy, the surface of the finished product is 
one of the extremely important criteria to evaluate the quality of
 a processed product. And to accurately evaluate the product's
 surface, you need to rely on aspects such as roughness, waviness, 
texture and defects.
      Most products manufactured using precision mechanical processing methods are used for various types of machinery and equipment, so the precision factor is always top priority when evaluating the quality of
 a product. in need of processing.

      Normally, finished products created after processing will be 
evaluated for accuracy based on the following standards:

      – The finished product needs to meet size standards according to 
the design, as well as limit tolerances. The product is created according
 to the user's requirements, in order to minimize the costs of repairing inaccurate parameters.
      – The shape of the finished product needs to be created in accordance with the design drawings and requirements.

      – The relative position of the processed product needs to be standardly designed such as perpendicular, concentric, and parallel.

Evaluation is based on the aesthetics of the finished product
      Evaluating the quality of a CNC mechanically processed finished product, it is impossible not to ignore the criterion of product aesthetics. These processed products need to be guaranteed to meet the standards of color and aesthetic value required by customers.

      This factor is extremely important for the production of tools, equipment, household appliances,... as well as the outer shells of 